Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Audacity of Hope

Photo: Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times
Hey, that's my train! I ride the elevated train above Barack Obama in this picture every day. He wasn't there to greet me today though.

I went out canvassing this afternoon in a last-ditch GOTV (get out the vote) effort. Most people I spoke with said they had already voted. I had a showdown with a lady who was out on behalf of the Clinton campaign. We were actually having a nice conversation when a raucous crowd started to gather, chanting "fight, fight, fight." So we started to fight. She had the weight advantage, but I was more athletic and had a six-inch reach advantage. Things were about to get ugly when a guy walking by and accused the Obama campaign (proxy: me) of unfairly strong-arming women (proxy: Clinton-lady). That knocked some sense into me and I stood down. Then she sucker-punched me and I went down. Typical Clinton tactics.

Ok, I'm kidding. none of that happened (except the part about me running into a Clinton canvasser and our having a nice conversation.)



Blogger Gramma Cyddie said...

Way to get involved my boy!

Saturday, April 26, 2008 1:25:00 PM  

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